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Serino Cigars - A Handcrafted Boutique Cigar Company
The Serino Cigar Company– where the world's finest tobacco, expert craftsmanship and a passion for blending meet.

The Origin

From Hobby to Nascent Cigar Business
After 15 years in the movie rental business, Anthony Serino sells his video store chain to follow his passion for fine cigars. In the beginning, Serino began curating and selling naked cigars manufactured in Miami to a small group of retailers in the South Florida area.
Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.

Open For Business

Grand Opening of My Cigar Club
After cultivating a reputation in South Florida for creating some of the area's most sought after cigars. Serino decides to open a retail store in Pompano Beach, Florida to develop and market his own brands. My Cigar Club formally opens to the public marking the beginning of many new friendships and growth of the Serino family of brands.

The Great Expansion

Serino Opens Distributorship to Expand Brand Coverage
After the development of many locally loved cigar blends at My Cigar Club, Serino sought a way to increase distribution of both his cigars and those of other heralded cigar manufacturers in the industry. APS Distributors was born, distributing his and his partners' cigars across the country.

Two Generations. One Vision.

Carson Serino Joins Serino Cigar Co. As The Brand Grows
In 2015, Anthony welcomed his son Carson into the family business. Carson growing up spent most days after school working at My Cigar Club learning about cigars and the industry. Upon graduating from The Florida State University, Carson apprenticed at the renowned La Corona Factory in Estelí, Nicaragua. He then joined his father to further develop cigar blends. The Serino Royale line was formally launched.
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